Thursday, April 21, 2016

Ministry Libraries blog - check it out!

What’s New at Ministry Library Services: Announcements and featured resources for Library users of Ministry Health Care 

Michele Matucheski started blogging way back in 2004 with the What’s New at Affinity Library Services blog.   It was a way to archive the articles we published to our internal employee newsletter.  Sometimes we wanted to refer back to a previous article, and it was much easier to find it on the Library blog than in the employee newsletter.  After the merger of Affinity and Ministry Health Care in 2012, we created a NEW blog to reflect the new Ministry Library Services Team with a system-wide focus.   Now these stories are posted to our internal corporate Facebook-like intranet home page, other internal newsletters, or emailed to stakeholders (Physicians and/or Nurses).  The blog provides a centralized place to archive our stories, and revisit when someone asks a follow-up question.  It’s easy to point them to the respective article on the blog. 

Although Michele learned about blogging for work, she also has a personal blog tracking her creative endeavors : Sweet Leaf Notebook:

The goal is to post new articles twice a month, sometimes more.   Articles cover topics such as our featured resources like Clinical Key or Nursing Reference Center, how to sign up for our mobile apps, Top 10 eJournals, training opportunities,  new LibGuides, frequently-asked-questions, and more.  

In that respect, the blog also makes the content more widely available to our Librarian colleagues outside our organization. Deb and I are thrilled to know that the content is also being read by our peers. That said, please be aware that our target audience for these articles is our own Ministry Health Care Library Users, which means some of the links won’t work outside our firewall.  We think you’ll still find the articles interesting and useful and perhaps adaptable for your own patrons. 

Currently, Deb Knippel is doing a series on Copyright Awareness, which will likely be of interest to WHSLA Librarians, and beyond.

We’d love to hear your feedback, so feel free to leave us comments, or contact us directly.

Michele Matucheski, MLS, AHIP


Deb Knippel, MS


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