Thursday, January 16, 2020

Window on WHSLA - from WHSLA 2020 President Holly Egebo

Dear WHSLA members,

I am Holly Egebo, THE new WHSLA President. You are looking at the view from the Library window atop Aurora BayCare Medical Center. In Green Bay, on this sunny day. It’s fun to say Welcome to the Year 2020!!

The view from my library at Aurora BayCare Medical Center

I am confident that for each member of WHSLA,  this will be a year of positive change!

Looking back a little to October 2019--what a remarkable time the Midwest Chapter/MLA WHSLA,and SWHSL Conference was! One of my favorite moments of the conference was the keynote speaker MK Czerwiec, RN, MA aka Comic Nurse.  I found her talk to be energetic and the process she uses to create her comic strips very creative!  As a result--I drew my first comic frame. Have any of you ever tried this?  Would you like to? It takes only a few minutes. Don’t judge yourself. We Librarians run into hundreds of situations that would translate supremely well into a bit of humor in this statement of art!
Time marched on.  Suddenly it was Halloween, then Thanksgiving came and the December Holidays, which brings us to now.  Forging ahead, what lies beyond the cold snowy month of January 2020?

1. Two WHSLA Board meetings are on now my calendar--Thursday April 9 at 10:00 –12:00 Friday November 13 also at 10:00-12:00.  I will announce the WHSLA General Business meeting in a later blog.

2. Take advantage of the all the benefits WHSLA membership offers-- 

  • Eligibility for professional development grants ($500 each)
  • Weekly blog
  • Networking with other Wisconsin health science librarians
  • WHSLA Wisdom Chats
  • Free access to selected MLA webinars
3. What are you thinking, wishing, hoping for 2020 for our WHSLA chapter? For your libraries and for yourselves as Librarians?  I would really like to know!

Be bold and share your plans and dreams on this blog or you can email me at holly egebo at aurora dot org

Have a wonderful winter!

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