Friday, January 3, 2025

Pets of WHSLA: Pookie and Sammy

Thank you to Eileen Severson for this post about her family's two cats: Pookie & Sammy. 

"We have two cats, Pookie and Sammy.  We adopted Pookie when he was about 6 months; he is now 11 years old.  He can be very affectionate and “meow-purr” when being petted and having his butt “smacked” (cat owners—do you know what I mean?).  He likes bopping me in the head in the early morning indicating he’s hungry.  He is VERY talkative when he wants food or to go outside and honestly can be rather annoying.  We have a little shelter for him outside to protect him, but he did go on an adventure in October.  I was letting him out of the shelter to have him come inside and he took off after another cat that I didn’t see in the yard.  I tried chasing them, but I didn’t have shoes on, and it was dark.  That was October 1.  He didn’t make it home until Oct 20.  His tail was injured, and he lost 5 pounds.  He’s better now and we’re much more careful with him.   

Pookie in the catnip


Sammy is five months old.  We adopted him in November.  The woman that was fostering him mentioned that he was her “wild one”, she wasn’t kidding.  He is all kitten—curious about EVERYTHING, playing with whatever he can get his paws on--paper, bits of food left on the floor, the Christmas tree, your nose, fingers, toes, and his crabby mate, Pookie, etc.  We are enjoying his antics (except for Pookie), but he can also be exhausting.  When he is tired enough, he can be affectionate too."
Sammy and Pookie


If you have pets you'd like to brag about, drop Brenda F. or Michele M. a line. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

NCLEX and other Test Prep Content is No Longer Available through Badgerlink

Notice Regarding Job Skills and Test Preparation Content on Badgerlink

From the Badgerlink Bulletin (Feb. 2024)

This past August, information was shared about the updated BadgerLink Procurement Collections, however some of the finer details may have been missed in that article. To ensure the greatest transparency possible, the Library Services Team at the Department of Public Instruction wants to give the library community notice that we intend to no longer procure a collection area specifically for Job Skills and Test Preparation. LearningExpress Library is currently the product making up this collection area. Therefore, it is likely libraries will no longer have access to this resource effective July 1, 2024, unless libraries choose to subscribe individually. 

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This was a surprise to me when I went to look up test prep info for one of our newly graduated nurses.  I was used to pointing them to Learning Express on Badgerlink for their RN-NCLEX test preparation.  But since this is no longer an option, what are the rest of you doing / using?

Our collection development policy excludes test prep materials in print because they are so often stolen, lost, or otherwise abused.  

It doesn't look like our area public libraries have picked this up on their own.  

Do the nursing schools and technical colleges provide NCLEX study materials?

Check with your nursing school as graduates may still have access to library resources (including test prep. content) for a period after graduation.  And they would be invested in seeing their students pass any career entry tests like NCLEX or state boards.