Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Predatory publishing - a prominent Ob/Gyn gets tricked

At last fall's WHSLA conference, a CE class on predatory publishing taught by Catherine Arnott-Smith [professor at UW-Madison's SLIS school] was offered. I was able to attend and found it a really fascinating look at medicine, business, and ethics. Most importantly I learned that sometimes it is VERY hard to tell a predatory publisher from a regular one. 

Looks like I'm not the only one who is easily fooled; this August 30, 2016 article from Chronicle of Higher Education highlights a move by federal prosecutors to begin to tackle predatory journal publishers: Most interesting to me was the last half of the article. S. Robert Kovac, an ob/gyn who publishes a great deal, was fooled by one of these predatory medical/science publishers. 

If you're interested in learning more about predatory publishing check out this article from Jeffrey Beall: you are attending the Midwest Chapter MLA conference in Des Moines this fall, Dr. Arnott-Smith is offering a 4-hour CE class on this topic on Saturday, October 22, 2016:  

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