Thursday, November 8, 2018

What are you listening to?

Thank you to everyone who shared so many great reads with us!  Since I got such an enthusiastic response, here's the next question I'd like you to answer:

Heard any good podcasts lately?  What are they about?  Why are you enjoying them?

Here's one to get you started.  I've been enjoying The Lazy Genius Collective.  Kendra's all about helping you figure out how to be "a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don't."  Sometimes I get caught up in all the things I "should" be doing, and feel terrible about not getting to them, despite working/attending college full time.  This podcast is great for helping me manage that stress.

Please send your answers to annie dot lipski at aurora dot org* and I'll compile them into a blog post.


*Did you know that bots can find your email address in blog posts and send you tons of junk mail unless you write it in a weird format they can't read?  Someone just learned this the hard way!

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