Monthly Webinars MLA is pleased to present the first nine 2020 MLA webinars. Every quarter, we will add three more webinars. This allows us to open up more opportunities for MLA members and others to submit great webinars!
January 15
Applying the ACRL Information Literacy Framework to Your Teaching If you teach or plan to teach, the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Information Literacy Framework threshold concepts will help you promote deep learning for your students. Threshold concepts are the ideas in any discipline that are passageways to enlarged understanding or ways of thinking and practicing in the discipline.
February 13
Basic Statistics for Research Appraisal You do not need to take years of statistics to gain a significant amount of useful knowledge. With a basic understanding of the core concepts and principles of statistics, you will gain the confidence and skills to tackle a wide range of statistics questions. You will also be able to assess the quality and value of research, locate specific methodological papers, and communicate research conclusions to users.
April 15
Make Fun of Learning! Game-Based Learning for Student Success If you are looking to spruce up your classroom and engage students on a deep level, then game-based learning may be for you. This course will explore game-based learning and make game makers out of every participant!
Critical Appraisal of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are at the top of evidence pyramids, but not all are high in quality. Learn the steps of critically evaluating these types of review articles and gain tips on teaching critical appraisal in small and large group settings.
July 8
Find the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Search Strategy That Works for You Some online searchers use problem, intervention, comparison, outcome (PICO) to formulate their search strategy. Others use population, exposure, outcome (PEO); sample, phenomena of interest, design, evaluation, research type (SPIDER); who, when, what, where, why (5Ws); or just ask: “What has happened and what am I going to do about it?” This webinar runs searches through these formulations so that participants can select the method most comfortable for them.
August 11
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Peer Review: For Reviewers and Authors This webinar aims to empower health sciences librarians to perform excellent peer reviews and write articles that pass peer review. You will learn about the Journal of the Medical Library Association’s (JMLA’s) peer review process, the importance of peer reviewers to research in our field, and ways to find your strengths as a peer reviewer and an author.
August 18
Drawn to Graphic Medicine: Bringing Comics into Medical Librarianship Graphic medicine, the intersection of health care and comics, has emerged over the last ten years as a growing field in the health sciences, particularly in relation to health humanities and education. Librarians can play a vital role in supporting graphic medicine by collecting and distributing graphic medicine materials and including graphic medicine in their work or instruction efforts. In this webinar, we will discuss where graphic medicine came from and why it is valuable, how you can start collecting graphic medicine at your library, and how you can integrate it into your work in the library.
Systematic Searching: Improving Effectiveness and Efficiency Are you struggling with ever-more complicated systematic review searches? Do you have a basic knowledge of Boolean operators, thesaurus terms, and syntax and want to raise your search game? This webinar will give you guidance on creating high-quality searches in a faster way. Bramer and associates have taught his method at several filled-to-capacity annual meeting courses.
information is accurate as of December 2019. MLA reserves the right to alter
topics, content, and scheduling.