Tuesday, January 7, 2020

A message from your friendly neighborhood WHSLA Professional Development Co-Coordinators

Hello WHSLA,

As you may have seen, MLA has released the dates and descriptions for their planned webinars for 2020.  This year they will be updating this list throughout the year so we will be sending out multiple surveys as webinars are added.   

As WHSLA Professional Development Co-Coordinators, we are reaching out to all of you to help gather some information as we decide which webinars should receive priority for GMR funding applications on behalf of WHSLA. 

Our goal is to apply for funding to host the webinars with the highest amount of interest first.  Since we can only apply for funding once per quarter as WHSLA, the secondary goal is to help facilitate code sharing with other organizations that may receive funding and have extra codes available since we are now able to share codes. 

You can see the list of the webinars and their descriptions here: 2020 MLA Webinars.  

Please take a moment to read the descriptions and then take the brief survey here:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7LZDBWH

Once you’ve read through the descriptions, the survey should only take you about 2 minutes. 

Thank you,

Dora Davis and Gwendolyn Shorter

WHSLA Professional Development Co-Coordinators

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