Thursday, March 5, 2020

Don't touch your face

COVID-19 is dominating the news and the WHSLA blog this week!  The World Health Organization has some tips to avoid catching/spreading this and other illnesses, but people are really fixating on "don't touch your face."*  Turns out not only is that something humans do quite frequently, it also makes us more anxious if we actively think about trying not to do it!  GAH!

Special thanks to WHSLA member Dora Davis for some of these article suggestions, and for making me hyper-aware of face touching.

Even Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the World Health Organization touches his face sometimes.

* The WHO's Q&A section specifically says "Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth," so definitely try and stay away from those.  And wash your hands.  

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