Thursday, March 2, 2023

A Chart to Explain Your Entire World View

Tiffany, Kaitlyn.  A Chart to Explain Your Entire Worldview. The Atlantic. 

5 March 2020.  Link to article.  Accessed 2 March 2023. *

"A simple grid from Dungeons & Dragons has become a way to categorize people, food, fonts, Shia LaBeouf acting roles, and everything else." ​

Everything you ever wanted to know about 9-grid alignment charts explained ... from lawful good to chaotic evil, the matrix model has even been adapted to a bookmark alignment chart:

* Note: If you don't have access to The Atlantic, you can sign up for a free trial to read this article.   This article is not available in the "print" edition of The Atlantic, available through Badgerlink.   

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