Thursday, March 16, 2023

Meet Marquette University's newest Health Sciences Librarian ( know her!)

We're excited to share that Annie Lipski is the newest Health Sciences Librarian at Marquette University! Annie received her MLIS in 2022 and is starting her professional career as a Research and Instructional Services Librarian.

She promises to still contribute her wit and sense of humor to the WHSLA blog.  

Get to know her a little better with this post.

Do you collect anything? Stickers!  I love stickers and will slap them on just about every surface.  They’re like tiny, portable works of art and they make me happy.   I also enjoy organizing them into sticker books and file folders by subject.  It’s not the most precise system, but it works for me.

What are you passionate about? Information literacy!  We are continuously bombarded by information, so I believe it’s essential for everyone to have the skills to think critically about all of it.   It’s gotten to the point where my friends and family will evaluate their sources (or tell me that they can’t cite a source) while talking to me.

What skill would you most like to learn? Carpentry or woodworking.  I was extremely disappointed to discover that Library Carpentry workshops weren’t about making furniture.

What is one thing that instantly makes your day better? My pets, especially when they’re being all snuggly and cute.  


  1. Congratulations Annie! We do quite a bit of woodworking in our house if you want to come over!

  2. Congratulations, Annie!!!!

  3. Michele MatucheskiMarch 16, 2023 at 2:15 PM

    Congratulations, Annie!
