Thursday, September 28, 2023

Call for Nominations for WHSLA Board 2024-2025

 Hello Members,

 We are now accepting nominations for the upcoming Wisconsin Health Sciences Library Association Board openings for 2024. All members are eligible for board positions. If you have not recently been a part of the WHSLA Board, please consider serving.

 Positions on the ballot:

  •  President-Elect 2024-President 2025 The president-elect shall function in the absence of the president, assist the president as needed, and succeed to the presidency after one year. If the office of president is vacated, the president-elect shall assume all the duties and responsibilities of the president. The president shall call meetings, prepare agenda, preside at meetings, appoint or approve committee members, and represent the association in all official capacities. The president shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.

  • Secretary 2024-2025 The secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings, submit copies of the minutes to the executive board, and be responsible for meeting notices and correspondence. The secretary shall serve for two years. The term for secretary begins in even numbered years.

 Terms can be counted towards AHIP credentialing when tallying your Professional Accomplishment Points. For a multi-year term, you may claim points after each full year of service.

 Please reach out if you have any questions or if you would like to be listed as a candidate for one of the open roles on the ballot.

 The Election will take place by Online Ballot on December 1st, 2023.

 Thank you,

 Liz Witkowski

WHSLA President 2024

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