Monday, June 17, 2024

MLA website to get a new look

 MLA is updating their website. See below for more details.

"We are excited to announce the new MLA website will be live at the end of the month! The new MLANET will have a fresh new look, personalized dashboards, simplified user experiences, and automated workflows and notifications for volunteers.

What to Expect

When the new site goes live on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, you will have access to anything public on MLANET. The following will not be available until Monday, July 8:

  • Any activity that requires a login (e.g., purchasing)
  • Your user profile - please update your profile, details below
  • Communities
  • Applications
  • EFTS


Weds, June 26 EOD

Data Migration

Monday, July 8

New Website Online (public)

  • Current website disabled
  • Updated web pages
  • MLAConnect
  • I Am MLA, Fellows

Disabled Services

  • Login (no member access, no EFTS)
  • Communities and forums
  • Applications and forms
  • Membership data
  • Purchase history
  • Committee history
  • Caucus membership, threads, and files
  • LMS course access (e.g., CE Passport)
  • AHIP status and application
  • Specialization status and applications
  • Award and recognition history
  • MLAConnect
  • LMS transcripts

Access Restored

  • Member
  • EFS
  • LMS
  • Communities
  • MLAConnect
  • Job Ads

By July 15

  • AHIP applications
  • Specialization applications

By end of July

  • LMS transcript
  • New mentoring experience"

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