Sunday, September 8, 2024

Piecing Together Systematic Reviews: Part 3 Production [NNLM Webinar]

Piecing Together Systematic Reviews. Phase 3: Production, an NNLM Webinar that took place on August 28, 2024.

Additional class materials can be found on the event page.

This session will cover the third phase of the PIECCESS review cycle, the Production phase of conducting a systematic review, during which the searches are completed. This will cover evaluating searches, translating between databases, deduplication, and grey literature.

The five-part series will introduce the review cycle framework, PIECCESS, as described in the book by Foster and Jewell (2022) Piecing Together Systematic Reviews and Other Evidence Syntheses. Throughout the phases, the potential roles for librarians, health care professionals and others interested in the process of systematic review will be discussed as well as categories of client, such as those who read reviews as compared to those who conduct reviews.

Speaker Information

Margaret Foster, MS, MPH, is the Evidence Synthesis and Scholarly Communication Librarian and the Head of the Center for Systematic Reviews and Research Syntheses at the Medical Sciences Library, Texas A&M University. She is the co-author of the first book written on systematic reviews for librarians- Assembling the Pieces of a Systematic Review: A Guide for Librarians (2017) and recently Piecing Together Systematic Reviews and Other Evidence Syntheses (2022). She received the Presidential Impact Award from Texas A&M University in 2018 and the Lucretia W. McClure Excellence in Education Award in 2024 from the Medical Library Association.

This presentation meets the NNLM goal to work through libraries and other members to support a highly trained workforce for biomedical and health information resources and data, improve health literacy, and increase health equity through information.

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