Thursday, October 31, 2019

Transforming the way we meet: Planning a virtual library conference - white paper now available

Way back in 2017, WHSLA held our first online conference. It was a team effort and led to this white paper being written about the process and what we learned.  

Thank you to my fellow co-authors: Jennifer Deal, Elissa Kinzelman-Vesely, Michele Matucheski, and Carrie Papa-Schold for all their hard work, proofreading skills, and good humor as we went through the long process.  

  • Deal J, Fay B, Kinzelman-Vesely E, Matucheski M, Papa-Schold C. Transforming the way we meet: Planning a virtual library conference. Aurora Health Care Digital Repository. October 17, 2019. Available at:  Abstract: A paper describing the planning and execution of an entirely online conference for the Wisconsin Health Science Library Association (WHSLA) biennial conference in November 2017. The paper goes into details such as program development, branding, marketing, technology, finances, and evaluation. Appendices include a sample evaluation form as well as a detailed task list.

Happy Halloween!

It may be snowing today here in Wisconsin, but that doesn't have to dampen your Halloween spirits.  Take this quiz about global disease costumes or help The Newberry transcribe Increase Mather's Cases of Conscious Concerning Evil Spirits!

Monday, October 28, 2019

Explore Health Literacy with the NNLM Reading Club

When it comes to your health, you are your own best advocate. The NNLM Reading Club has selected three books to help you become more knowledgeable and informed about Health Literacy:
  • Well: What We Need to Talk About When We Talk About Health by Sandro Galea
  • An American Sickness by Elisabeth Rosenthal
  • How to be a Patient by Sana Goldberg, RN
To learn more about each of these titles and to download book discussion guides, promotional materials and corresponding health  information resources, or to apply for a free NNLM Reading Club Book kit, visit the Book Selections and Health Resources: Health Information.

Read more ...

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Update on the the Continuation of the EFTS Service

MLA posted an update about the continuation of the EFTS service currently hosted by UCONN, including expected timelines for transition to the new upgraded service.    Read more ...

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The New PubMed Updated: Homepage, User Guide, My NCBI Alerts and Collections, and More

Several new features have been added to the new PubMed including 
  • an updated homepage
  • an online user guide
  • the CSV file format
  • My NCBI Filters
  • My Bibliography and Collections
  • and search integration with the MeSH and NLM Catalog databases.    

Read more ... from the NLM Technical Bulletin, Sept-Oct 2019.

Monday, October 14, 2019

NNLM Delivery is a Free Article Exchange Service for NNLM Members

  • NNLM Delivery is a free document delivery service for members of the NNLM.
  • This service enables libraries to send links to ILL articles they lend, rather than emailing large attachments.
  • NNLM Delivery can also be used to support local electronic document delivery.

The National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region (NNLM MAR) upgraded MARDelivery, their free document delivery, storage and retrieval service. The new platform, NNLM Delivery, will be extended to ALL NNLM Members.  Not just for the Middle Atlantic Region anymore!

From what I understand, it’s similar / equivalent to the OCLC tool used by some larger libraries to send ILL articles with a link and a password rather than file attachments.    After you upload files, NNLM Delivery saves them for only 3 weeks.   The file storage is temporary—which is what you want for ILL.

Watch this NNLM Delivery Info Session video for more information:    

The session covers the background and purpose of NNLM Delivery and how to use it along, including a demonstration.   They also explain how to sign up to use the service by connecting your personal NNLM account (used for CE classes) to your member library account.  You may already be signed up!

The presenters, Michelle Burda and Hannah Sinemus, are careful to note that NNLM Delivery does NOT replace Docline, or LinkOut, or Loansome Doc.  NNLM Delivery is NOT a method for requesting articles.

Although my normal process of sending ILL articles is to email attachments, the NNLM Delivery service could be very helpful when sending large files that might be blocked by the borrowing library’s network, or even my own.

                Terms of Service
                NNLM Copyright
                NNLM Delivery User Guide

Morning greetings from Gert

Thanks to WHSLA member Barb Ruggeri for sharing this CBS58 feature about Gert, Carroll University's lovable dining hall cashier.  Gert just celebrated 55 years with Carroll University. This Journal Sentinel article about her 50ths calls her "sunshine in a name tag."  Sounds like she hasn't lost any of that enthusiasm!

Friday, October 11, 2019

Friday funny

I don't know about you, but I've had a long week, and my brain is still recovering from all the information I took in at the Midwest Chapter meeting.  So here's a fun story about an "adopted" skeleton decoration.

Ziemore Bones approves.

Monday, October 7, 2019

2019 Fall Wikipedia Edit-a-thon Overview

* Are you interested in improving mental health information available on Wikipedia? 
Do you want to utilize your librarian research skills towards making Wikipedia a better, evidence-based resource? 

In preparation for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Fall Virtual Wikipedia Edit-a-thon on November 20th, join us for an online edit-a-thon training overview with a live question and answer session. October 17 at 11:00 a.m. PT. 

Attendees will gain an overview of:
- The role of Wikipedia and the importance of edit-a-thons
- Learn how to join the NNLM Wikipedia Dashboard #citeNLM
- Gain tips and resources on how to become a Wikipedia editor
- Explore NLM resources and best practices to edit articles
- NNLM Guide and tips for hosting your own edit-a-thon

With you newfound knowledge, remember to join the National Network of Libraries of Medicine on November 20th as we add citations to Wikipedia articles using trusted National Library of Medicine resources like Genetics Home Reference, MedlinePlus, and PubMed. #citeNLM

Learn more and register for the Overview

NNLM Wikipedia Edit-a-thon: Join the National Network of Libraries of Medicine on November 20th as we add citations to Wikipedia articles using trusted National Library of Medicine resources like Genetics Home Reference, MedlinePlus, and PubMed. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

WHSLA members presenting at Midwest Chapter/MLA 2019 meeting

Greetings WHSLA! The conference committee hopes to see you this weekend at the Midwest Chapter/MLA, WHSLA, and SWHSL 2019 meeting. 

If you have time to view the Sunday papers and Monday posters, why not stop by your fellow WHSLA members projects and presentations to say "Hi"? Here's who will be presenting at the conference. Please let me know if I've missed anyone. 

Papers, Milwaukee Room, Sunday at 1 pm

  • Elizabeth Suelzer, Jennifer Deal, Karen Hanus, Barbara Ruggeri, Rita Sieracki, Elizabeth Witkowski; Medical College of Wisconsin Libraries, Advocate Aurora, Carroll University Paper #1: Still feeling the effects: a citation analysis of the highly cited, retracted article on MMR vaccines and autism
Posters, Executive A-D, Monday from 11 am to 12 pm

  • Heather Jett, Diana Almader-Douglas, Tara Brigham, Lisa Marks; Mayo Clinic Libraries Poster #5: Cross-country Collaboration: Connecting Colleagues through Evidence-based Practice Education
  • Elizabeth Suelzer, Johnathon Neist; Medical College of Wisconsin Poster #7: Librarian Feedback Loops Improve Medical Student Self-Directed Learning Skills
  • Trisha Adamus, Sarah Stevens, Erin Jonaitis, Tobin Magle, Maria Kamenetsky, Steve Goldstein; University of Wisconsin – Madison Poster #11: Teaching Health Science Professionals Computational and Data Management Skills Using Clinical Data in a Carpentries-style Lesson
  • Kathy Koch; Advocate Aurora Library Network, Advocate Aurora Health Poster #14: A Library-Bariatric Surgery Collaboration to Provide Reliable Consumer Health Information
  • Brenda Fay, Jennifer Deal, Annie Lipski; Advocate Aurora Library Network, Advocate Aurora Health Poster #15: Care and feeding of health sciences institutional repositories: funding and administration models

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Recording available for "A New PubMed: Highlights for Information Professionals"

For those of you who were not able to register and view the program live, here's your chance to catch up on what you missed. 

Link to the recording

In this webinar for librarians and other information professionals Marie Collins from the National Library of Medicine demonstrates the new, modern PubMed. This webinar was held on Friday, September 20th, 2019. Key points from the webinar are below. Common questions and answers from all of the five offerings of this webinar are available. See also the transcript.

Key Points:

  • The new PubMed is currently available for testing at PubMed Labs.
  • The new PubMed is richly featured, including Advanced Search, Search details, Search history, filters, My NCBI, links from MeSH, and more. Try it out!
  • NLM will officially announce the new PubMed in October. The new PubMed will be the default system in early 2020.
  • Once the new PubMed system is the default, all links to PubMed will be redirected and run in the new system. This includes searches from the MeSH Database, the NLM Catalog, Clinical Queries, the Single Citation Matcher, and the Batch Citation Matcher.
  • Our legacy PubMed system will be available for some months following the launch.
  • The new PubMed boasts some great new display, navigation and output features in a truly responsive design that facilitates mobile access, including to the full text when available from the publisher, PMC or your library (via Outside Tool).
  • Best search practices are the same as with the legacy system:
    • To find articles by topic, enter your words or phrases into the search box without quotation marks or fancy syntax (e.g., treatment incidental adenocarcinoma). Let  PubMed’s term mapping and always-improving retrieval algorithms do the work for you. Your best matches will be at the top of your results.
    • To find articles by citation, enter the citation elements you have (author, title words, journal, volume, year, etc.) and let PubMed’s citation sensor find the article for you (e.g., neale science 2019).
    • To find articles by author, search the author’s last name and initials (e.g., fagerness j).
    • To find articles by journal, use the complete journal title, ISSN or title abbreviation (e.g., lancet oncol).
  • Improvements to retrieval include enhanced synonymy, addition of plural forms, better British/American translations, and unlimited truncation. Try your searches in PubMed Labs now.
  • PubMed will be continually improved over time, informed by usage and your feedback.

[Re-posted from The National Library of Medicine's Training Resources.]